Tonight some of the German students are going to take us to a bowling alley outside of town and then we are going to meet up at a local diner in town that is very similar to a Retro 50's diner back in the US. It should be a lot of fun...but I'm looking forward to heading to Munich tomorrow morning a lot more.
I just finished my first class yesterday. It was a project management class that was really similar to a class I had taken at OSU a couple terms ago. Our final project was a 10-15 minute presentation and it was the sole basis for our grading. Anyways, I think my presentation went well but we don't get grades for a week or two so I guess I won't know until then.
I'll post some more after my trip to Munich.
Thanks for the updates. Great view, is it from your apartment? Have fun in Munich, don't drink to much beer!!!!
Nope, the view is about a 20 minute walk up the hill from my apartment. Just got back from Munich a few hours ago. I'll probably write about it was a great time.
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